Embark on a thrilling journey through the realm of cybersecurity in this captivating 43-minute conference talk from Security BSides London. Explore the intriguing world of QR codes, image-based attacks, and the relentless pursuit of initial access. Delve into the strategies and techniques employed by both attackers and defenders as they engage in a high-stakes game of digital warfare. Gain valuable insights into the latest trends in social engineering, visual hacking, and the exploitation of seemingly innocuous technologies. Learn how to fortify your defenses against these emerging threats and stay one step ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of information security.
Game of Codes - QR Thrones, Image Battles, and the Quest for Initial Access
Security BSides London via YouTube
Game Of Codes: QR Thrones, Image Battles, And The Quest For Initial Access - Josh Kamdjou
Taught by
Security BSides London