Fusing Physics and Video Game Technology to Build a Commercial Drilling Training Simulator
University of Houston-Clear Lake via YouTube
Explore the fusion of physics and video game technology in building a commercial drilling training simulator through this 53-minute seminar presentation. Delve into the development of a virtual environment for precision horizontal drilling practice, integrating hardware-in-the-loop human control interfaces with real-time physics models. Learn how open-source graphics tools create an immersive experience for industrial certification training and driller performance evaluation. Discover the application of spacecraft navigation modeling techniques to oil and gas industry challenges, and gain insights into multi-physics simulation, parallel processing, drillstring dynamics, and 3D graphics implementation for training and design simulations.
Horizontal Drilling Problem
Horizontal Drilling Simulator
Multi-Physics Simulation & Analysis Engine
Parallel Processing Window Server
Drilling and Jetting Model
Drillstring Dynamics Model
Hardware Control Panel and Virtual Gauges
3D Graphics, Virtual & Augmented Reality
Training and Design Sims
Taught by
College of Science and Engineering