Full Stack E-commerce Store with Admin Dashboard - Next.js, Prisma, Stripe, Tailwind
Web Dev Simplified via YouTube
Build a comprehensive full-stack ecommerce store with an admin dashboard from scratch using Next.js, Prisma, Stripe, and Tailwind in this extensive tutorial. Learn to set up a database, create an admin dashboard for product management, implement authentication, design customer-facing pages, handle Next.js caching, process payments with Stripe, manage customer data, track sales, send purchase receipt emails, and develop a customer order history page. Gain hands-on experience in creating a fully functional online shop with modern web technologies and best practices for ecommerce development.
- Introduction
- Sponsor
- Database Setup
- Admin Dashboard Page
- Admin Product Pages
- Admin Authentication
- Customer Home Page
- Customer Products Page
- Next.js Caching
- Customer Product Purchase Page
- Admin Customers Page
- Admin Sales Page
- Purchase Receipt Email
- Customer My Orders Page
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Web Dev Simplified