From Kubernetes to PaaS to Golden Paths - The Evolution of Developer Platforms
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Spoiler alert!
@danielbryantuk (he/him)
Developers are being told to shift left
Core app/dev platform requirements
Kubernetes: Platform foundations
What did I learn?
Platform as Product: The Golden Path
Ambassador Labs: Drinking our own
Good UX (for platforms)
Shout out to the Argo Project
Workflow and interop
Interop Example: Emissary-Ingress & Linkerd
The need for a platform control plane emerges
Building the golden path(s)
Ambassador Labs Podcast Insights
The need for a developer control plane (DCP)
The CNCF ecosystem is the foundation for a modern developer control plane
From Kubernetes to Paas to... Golden Paths
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]