Explore the intricacies of manifold estimation and geometric inference in this lecture on estimating the reach of a manifold. Delve into the concept of reach, also known as conditioning number or feature size, and its role in measuring manifold regularity. Learn about a proposed estimator for reach when tangent spaces are known, and examine upper and lower bounds on minimax rates for reach estimation. Investigate problem statements, geometric and statistical models, loss functions, and the third order condition. Analyze minimax estimates in global and local cases, and consider Le Cam's Lemma heuristic. Address challenges when tangent spaces are unknown and explore tangent space stability. Gain insights into ongoing research and future directions in this field of applied algebraic topology.
Medial axis and reach
Problem statement
Reach and regularity
Where is the reach attained?
Geometric and Statistical models
What loss for this problem?
About the third order condition
Another formulation for the reach
Minimax Estimate in the Global Case
Minimax Estimate in the Local Case
Le Cam's Lemma Heuristic
What Tangent Spaces are Unknown?
Tangent Space Stability
Yet to Be Done
Taught by
Applied Algebraic Topology Network