Explore groundbreaking research on sprites and elves, mysterious luminous events in the upper atmosphere triggered by lightning. Delve into the first-ever three-dimensional observations captured using high-speed cameras on two aircraft during a campaign from June 27 to July 10, 2011. Learn how this 3D information is shedding light on the forces behind these phenomena and providing detailed insights into their generation. Hear from leading experts as they share observations and video footage from the campaign, including Professor Hans C. Stenbaek-Nielsen from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Professor Yukihiro Takahashi from Hokkaido University, and Dr. Matthew G. McHarg from the US Air Force Academy. Gain a deeper understanding of these captivating atmospheric events and their implications for upper atmosphere research in this 38-minute press conference from the 2011 AGU Fall Meeting.
Fall Meeting 2011 Press Conference: Above the clouds: Sprites and elves in the upper atmosphere
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