Explore the second part of a comprehensive webinar series on faculty mentoring of undergraduates presented by the APS National Mentoring Community. Delve into topics such as career stages, fostering independence, growth mindset, and mental health mentoring resources. Learn strategies for supporting student growth, addressing mental health concerns, and providing empathetic guidance. Gain valuable insights through interactive polls, question sessions, and practical scenarios designed to enhance mentoring skills and promote student success in academic and personal development.
Questions and Poll
Question Window
Career Stages
Fostering Independence
What is Independence
Growth vs Fixed Mindset
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset Ideas
Mental Health Mentoring Resources
Poll Question
Final Scenario
Mental Health
Be attentive supportive
Address empathize
Additional Resources
Taught by
APS Physics
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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This course was very detailed and immersive. Excellent content!!!! I would recommend it to anyone needing an overview understanding of faculty mentorship.