- Intro.
- .fs vs.fsx files.
- Let binding.
- Type inference.
- Whitespace delimitation.
- F# Interactive.
- it.
- Type annotations.
- Primitives.
- Mutable/Assignment.
- Functions.
- Expressions vs Statements.
- Lambda expressions.
- Currying/Baking-In .
- Partial Application.
- Prefix vs Infix operator notation.
- Function composition.
- Pipe operator.
- Composition operator .
- Defining new operators.
- Files, namespaces and modules.
- Ordering definitions.
- Ordering Files.
- Number of files/file size rant F# vs OOP.
- Access Control.
- Hello World/Main function.
- Unit.
- Printing to Console.
- Design time, compile time and runtime errors.
- Eager evaluation vs lazy evaluation.
- Type system.
- Product types.
- Record type.
- Tuple .
- Anonymous records.
- Sum types.
- Discriminated Unions.
- Pattern Matching.
- The "function" keyword.
- Pattern matching with let and fun -- .
- Option type.
- Domain Errors vs Exceptions.
- Generics and SRTP.
- Inline keyword.
- Type members.
- Collections.
- Arrays.
- Lists.
- Collection libraries.
- List.head.
- Recursion / List.iter.
- List.map.
- List.fold.
- List.reduce.
- List.sum.
- Bind.
- Exception handling.
- Results / Error Modeling.
- Outtro.
Taught by
Ben Gobeil