Dive into a comprehensive 43-minute tutorial on exploratory data analysis using the Binance API with Python and Pandas. Learn how to set up the Binance API for data analysis, extract real-time securities and crypto data, and perform in-depth analysis. Master techniques for pulling OHLCV, depth, and ticker data from Binance using Python, and conduct exploratory data analysis on the extracted information. Visualize candlesticks using MPLFinance to gain insights into market trends. Follow along with step-by-step instructions covering API setup, authentication, data retrieval, preprocessing, and visualization. Access the provided code repository and additional resources to enhance your learning experience. Perfect for those interested in applying data science and machine learning to trading and finance.
- Start
- What's Covered
- Tutorial Start
- 1. Setup
- 2. Authenticate
- 3. Get Ticker Data from Binance
- 4. Get Market Depth
- 5. Get Historical OHLCV Data
- 6. Preprocess and Explore OHLCV using Pandas
- 7. Visualize Candlesticks using MPLFinace
- Wrap Up
Taught by
Nicholas Renotte