Non-Abelian Braiding with Plaquette Surface Code on Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum Devices
PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube
Explore a 44-minute lecture on non-Abelian braiding with plaquette surface code on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. Delve into advanced quantum computing concepts as presented by Eun-Ah Kim from the PCS Institute for Basic Science. Gain insights into the challenges and potential solutions for implementing non-Abelian braiding operations using surface codes in the context of current quantum hardware limitations. Learn about the latest research in error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computation, and understand how these techniques can be applied to achieve more robust quantum information processing in the presence of noise and imperfections.
Eun-Ah Kim: Non-Abelian Braiding with Plaquette Surface Code on Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum...
Taught by
PCS Institute for Basic Science