Explore a 51-minute mathematical seminar lecture examining the computation of δ-invariant for polarized del Pezzo surfaces, with a focus on Family 3-5. Delve into the relationship between Kähler-Einstein metrics and K-polystability in smooth Fano varieties, particularly for two-dimensional del Pezzo surfaces. Learn about Tian and Yau's proof that smooth del Pezzo surfaces are K-polystable except when they are blow-ups of P^2 in one or two points. Discover how threefold problems often reduce to computing δ-invariant of del Pezzo surfaces through an explicit computational example presented by Elena Denisova from the University of Edinburgh. Part of the New Equivariant Methods in Algebraic and Differential Geometry program at the Isaac Newton Institute.
Date: 9th May 2024 - 16:00 to
Taught by
INI Seminar Room 2