Learn about the crucial aspects of managing Kubernetes manifests in this 37-minute presentation by Ole Lensmar from Kubeshop. Explore the structure, versions, and relationships of K8s manifests, and understand their importance in the Kubernetes ecosystem. Discover best practices for creating, editing, and validating manifests, as well as deploying them to your cluster. Dive into manifest templating techniques, including custom templating with Helm and its file structure. Gain insights on combining Helm and Kustomize for enhanced flexibility. Examine the complete Kubernetes manifest lifecycle and explore essential tooling to streamline your workflow. Master the art of editing, debugging, and securing your K8s manifest lifecycle to ensure optimal performance and security in your Kubernetes deployments.
What are Kubernetes manifests?
Basic Manifest Structure
Manifest versions and schemas
Manifest relationships
Manifest Status
Creating/editing manifests
Next up: Validating manifests
Finally-deploying manifests to your cluster
Manifest Templating
Custom Templating: Helm
Helm file structure
Using Helm and Kustomize together
Templates in the Manifest lifecycle
The Kubernetes Manifest lifecycle - revisited
Tooling for the Kubernetes Manifest lifecycle
Getting it right - Best Practices
Taught by
Linux Foundation