Making Habitable Worlds - An Astrochemical Perspective
EAI - European Astrobiology Institute via YouTube
Explore an in-depth seminar presentation examining the astrochemical perspective on habitable world formation, delivered by Dmitry Semenov from MPIA Heidelberg. Delve into the fascinating timeline of life's origins on Earth, dating back 3.5-4.0 billion years, and investigate how essential life-building components became available during Earth's early stages. Learn about current theories regarding Earth's formation in the solar nebula's warm inner region, and understand how water and carbon were potentially delivered through comets and asteroids. Examine the ongoing scientific debate about whether prebiotic organics crucial for life's beginning were delivered externally or synthesized on Earth from atmospheric and volcanic gases. Follow the cosmic journey of organic matter from its origins in molecular clouds, through planet-forming disks and the solar nebula, to its ultimate presence in asteroids and early Earth.
Tuesday 10 October 2023, CEST
Taught by
EAI - European Astrobiology Institute