Explore the life and contributions of Anna Botsford Comstock, a pioneering female entomologist and nature educator, in this Founders' Memorial Award lecture delivered by Dr. Carol M. Anelli at the 2017 Entomological Society of America annual meeting. Discover Comstock's groundbreaking work as the first woman professor at Cornell University, her influential books on nature and conservation, and her renowned wood-engraved illustrations of insects. Learn about her innovative approach to nature study curricula and her impact on outdoor education. Gain insights into the historical significance of this lecture, marking the first time both the lecturer and honoree were women in the award's 60-year history.
Anna Botsford Comstock - Pioneer in Nature Study and Entomology - 2017 ESA Founders' Memorial Award Lecture
Entomological Society of America via YouTube
Dr. Carol M. Anelli: 2017 ESA Founders' Memorial Award Lecture
Taught by
Entomological Society of America