Explore the philosophical question of objective morality in this thought-provoking presentation and discussion by Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Delve into the complex debate surrounding moral laws and their universal applicability, examining the challenges of scientific evidence and the potential for preserving objective morality within a scientific worldview. Engage with topics such as David Hume's philosophy, the concepts of rightness and wrongness, and the nature of normative beliefs. Analyze the implications of massive moral disagreements, evaluate the role of trustworthy experiences in moral reasoning, and consider the distinctions between descriptive and normative morality. Participate in this intellectually stimulating discourse that challenges conventional thinking and offers fresh perspectives on the existence and nature of objective moral truths.
David Hume
Rightness and Wrongness
Beyonce in a group
Taking questions
Should you believe that tomorrow exists
We already believe in normative things
Massive disagreement
Technical terms
Trustworthy experiences
Objective moral facts
The problem with hypotheticals
Descriptive morality
Normative morality
Taught by
Jeffrey Kaplan