Docker Crash Course Intro.
Docker Overview.
Installing Docker Desktop or Docker Engine.
Virtual Machines vs Docker Containers.
Virtual Machines Architecture.
How I use Virtual Machines.
Docker Containers Architecture.
How Docker is running on different Operating Systems.
Container processes and resources.
Docker Components Overview.
Docker Client.
Docker Server.
Docker Host.
Docker Image.
Docker Container.
Docker Repository.
Docker Registry.
Docker Components Summary.
Docker Commands vs Management Commands.
Alternative Commands.
Basic Container and Images commands.
Cleaning up my Docker setup.
Pulling images from Docker Hub.
What is Docker Image.
Creating new Container from the Image.
What is CMD in the Docker Image.
What is Docker Container.
What is ports mapping.
Enabling ports mapping for the NGINX container.
Environment variables for containers.
Volumes and volumes mapping.
Enabling volumes mapping for NGINX container.
Running applications inside of the containers.
What is Dockerfile .
Creating Dockerfile.
Launching container based on the custom image.
Trying to connect Python and Mongo containers.
Attaching containers to the custom bridge network.
Docker Compose and YAML.
Launching services using Docker Compose.
Writing documents to the database.
Enabling Ports Mapping in Docker Compose.
Using Volumes in Docker Compose.
Docker Crash Course Summary.
Publishing course project files to the GitHub.
Taught by
Bogdan Stashchuk