Explore the complex landscape of American healthcare costs in this thought-provoking panel discussion featuring experts Kenneth L. Davis, William Frist, Uwe Reinhardt, and moderator Kevin Vigilante. Delve into the paradox of slowing healthcare cost growth and public perception, examining factors such as the recession, the Affordable Care Act, and new pharmaceutical developments. Investigate the reasons behind America's high per-capita healthcare spending and its impact on life expectancy. Analyze topics including excess spending, administrative simplification, consumer empowerment, healthcare consolidation, and alternative payment models. Gain insights into the best healthcare systems, regulations, and the importance of informed consumers in shaping the future of American healthcare.
Excess Spending
Affordable Care Act
Future of Healthcare
Administrative simplification
Gileads Salvati
How do we know whether we get what we pay for
How do we empower the consumer
Reference Base Price
What Happens to the Doctors
Alternative Payments
Best Healthcare System
Informed Consumer
Taught by
The Aspen Institute