What is "Nature"?
A metaphor for epigenetics: smart phone
Basic layout of DNA
DNA Packing Problem
Answer: -10 million microscopic spools
Histones are molecular spools that pack DNA into the cell
Amazing thing: spools can be programmed in the womb and during life
Histones contain tails that can be programmed (on/off)
Epigenetics: complex layer of circuitry that programs the DNA • Each spool is a chemical switch
DNA sequencing technology has fueled epigenetics
The killer app: stem cells
Waddington's epigenetic landscape
The ski trail metaphor
Stress response and nature vs. nurture
Biochemistry of Stress Baseball
Stress response: cortisol control
Thermostat controls temperature
Stress thermostat out of whack!
Landmark epigenetic study: Mother rats licking and grooming their pups and the effect on pups' DNA
Environment of mother mouse affects great-grandchildren (Skinner, PLoS One 2012)
Related epigenetic effects in humans
Back to smart phone metaphor
Back to ski trail metaphor
Epigenetics of Normal Cells
Other epigenetic programming errors
Epigenetic cancer drugs
How do programmers find the right places on the DNA, at the right times?
RNA is DNA's molecular cousin
The cutting edge of epigenetics • Linc-RNAs guide programmers to DNA in
Taught by
Santa Fe Institute