Explore DIY laser lithography techniques for micron-resolution fabrication in this 22-minute video. Learn about maskless photolithography using a direct write laser machine, a method similar to projection lithography for creating patterns in photoresist. Discover the advantages of maskless lithography for prototype work and one-off projects compared to traditional masked techniques. Delve into the various components of the setup, including spatial filtering, beam walking, galvo scanners, and microscope objectives. Examine results using different photoresists like Datak Er-71 and Microposit s1818. Gain insights into common challenges and potential improvements for this microfabrication process used in semiconductor, MEMS, and microfluidics applications.
Direct write laser lithography
Some exposed photoresist
Spatial filtering
Focus detection unused
Walking the beam
Galvo scanner
Scan/Tube lens
Microscope Objective and substrate
Optical Rlay Full Explanation
2x Beam Expander
Results Datak Er-71
Results Microposit s1818
Problems to fix
Taught by
Breaking Taps