COURSE OUTLINE: This course will cover basic concepts in the design and analysis of algorithms.Asymptotic complexity, O() notation Sorting and search.Algorithms on graphs: exploration, connectivity, shortest paths, directed acyclic graphs, spanning trees. Design techniques: divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming. Data structures: heaps, union of disjoint sets, search trees Intractability.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
NPTEL and Chennai Mathematical Institute via YouTube
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Course Outline.
Example: Air Travel.
Example: Xerox shop.
Example: Document similarity.
Introduction and motivation.
Input size, worst case, average case.
Quantifying efficiency: O( ), Omega( ), Theta( ).
Examples: Analysis of iterative and recursive algorithms.
Arrays and lists.
Searching in an array.
Selection Sort.
Insertion sort.
Merge sort.
Merge sort - analysis.
Quicksort - analysis.
Sorting - Concluding remarks.
Introduction to graphs.
Representing graphs.
Breadth first search (BFS).
Depth first search (DFS).
Applications of BFS and DFS.
Directed acylic graphs: topological sort.
Directed acylic graphs: longest paths.
Dijkstras algorithm: analysis.
Negative edge weights: Bellman-Ford algorithm.
All pairs shortest paths.
Minimum Cost Spanning Trees.
Prims Algorithm.
Kruskals algorithm.
Union-Find using arrays.
Union-Find using pointers.
Priority queues.
Heaps: Updating values, sorting.
Counting inversions.
Closest pair of points.
Binary Search Trees.
Balanced search trees.
Interval scheduling.
Scheduling with deadlines: minimizing lateness.
Huffman codes.
Introduction to dynamic programming.
Grid paths.
Common subwords and subsequences.
Edit distance.
Matrix multiplication.
Linear Programming.
LP modelling: Production Planning.
LP modelling: Bandwidth allocation.
Network Flows.
Checking Algorithms.
P and NP.
Single source shortest paths: Dijkstras algorithm.
Taught by
4.6 rating, based on 7 Class Central reviews
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms* course was well-structured and comprehensive. It effectively covered essential topics such as time and space complexity, divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, and graph algorithms. The course was clear and practical, providing a solid foundation in algorithm design and analysis.
It is a good course for students👍🏻 it is really helpful for us thank you for this course language is very understandable also net and clean video quality
DAA course was challenging but rewarding. Learned advanced algorithms and data structures. Practical applications were insightful. Highly recommend for CS students.
Design analysis of algorithms is difficult subject to me but after completing this course is going simple. In that all key points are covered. It's really helpful.
The course is very nice and it helps in to new knowledge about design analysis and algorithms. The course is very informative and easy to learn and understand.
Design and analysis of algorithms. Its really helped me to again my extra knowledge. I came to know that how to design algorithms.finally tq u for this online cousres
Course is very helpful for understanding concepts of DAA.This course explains in detail all things .