Explore a thought-provoking panel discussion featuring distinguished experts Joseph Nye, Farah Pandith, Kori Schake, and Anne-Marie Slaughter, moderated by Dafna Linzer. Delve into the critical question of whether we are witnessing the end of soft power in international relations. Gain insights from these renowned scholars and practitioners as they examine the evolving nature of global influence, diplomacy, and leadership. Learn about the challenges and opportunities facing nations in exercising soft power in today's complex geopolitical landscape. Discover how the Aspen Institute, a global nonprofit organization, drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to address society's greatest challenges. Connect with the Aspen Institute's wealth of resources and engage with their social media platforms to stay informed about big ideas shaping our world.
Denver Dialogue X ASF: The End of Soft Power?
Taught by
The Aspen Institute