Explore the intricacies of load balancing in Istio through this informative conference talk. Delve into the various traffic management strategies provided by Istio, leveraging Envoy proxy's native APIs. Gain a deep understanding of Istio configurations in multicluster setups and learn how to adapt networking strategies for improved resiliency as production environments scale. Discover the complexities of multicluster environments and the benefits of effectively configuring layer 4-6 load balancing. Examine different load-balancing strategies available in Istio, including locality load balancing and other algorithms, through demonstrations and practical examples. Learn when and how to implement each strategy to optimize your distributed infrastructure and maximize the potential of your networking setup.
Demystifying Load Balancing in Istio - Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava, Independent & Jimmy Song, Tetrate
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]