Watch a DEF CON 31 conference talk exploring the evolution of cyberwarfare perceptions and realities, from early misconceptions influenced by popular culture like "WarGames" and Reagan-era fears about weapons system vulnerabilities, to modern understanding of cyber operations. Learn how initial theories comparing cyber threats to nuclear deterrence and catastrophic events like "Cyber Pearl Harbor" have given way to more nuanced approaches, including the U.S.'s 2018 "defend forward" strategy. Examine lessons from Russia's invasion of Ukraine about cyber capabilities in conventional warfare, and understand the critical role of private industry and individual volunteers in addressing pervasive cyber threats. Gain insights from Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Mieke Eoyang about protecting national interests and strengthening global partnerships in the cyber domain.
DEF CON 31 - There Are No Mushroom Clouds in Cyberwar - Mieke Eoyang
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