Explore the groundbreaking world of genetics and genomics in this 1-hour 19-minute conference talk from The Aspen Institute. Delve into the historic race to sequence the human genome and its profound impact on medical discovery. Learn about the birth of precision medicine, CRISPR technology, gene therapy evolution, and genetic testing potential. Watch a brief documentary by Retro Report, followed by an in-depth discussion with experts Carl Zimmer, Vinay Prasad, Richard Gibbs, Robert C. Green, and Della Makower. Gain insights into how genomics is revolutionizing medicine, from unlocking disease processes to developing personalized therapies. Discover the frontiers of healthcare, including kidney cancer treatment, life expectancy predictions, and the implications of widespread genome sequencing. Examine the ethical considerations surrounding genetic testing and the future of CRISPR gene therapy. Understand the competition and acrimony that shaped the Human Genome Project and its lasting impact on medical research and practice.
The Future of Healthcare
The Frontiers
The Competition
The Acrimony
The Genome Project
Kidney Cancer
Life Expectancy
Precision Medicine
Human Jet
Carl Zimmer
Dr Gibbs
Go allin for genome sequencing
Who wants their genome sequenced
Are you healthier
Gene Therapy
CRISPR Gene Therapy
Genetic Testing
Stomach Cancer
Taught by
The Aspen Institute