Agenda .
Introduction to Data Structure .
Types of Data Structure .
Arrays Introduction .
Arrays Implementation .
Advantages and Disadvantages of Arrays .
Stack introduction .
Stack implementation .
Advantages and Disadvantages of Stack .
Queue introduction .
Queue implementation .
Advantages and Disadvantages of Queue.
Linked list introduction .
Linked list types .
Linked List implementation .
Circular Linked list implementation .
Advantages and Disadvantages of Linked List .
Binary tree introduction .
Binary tree implementation .
Advantages and Disadvantages of Binary Tree .
Binary search tree introduction .
Binary search tree implementation .
Advantages and Disadvantages of Binary search Tree .
Graphs introduction.
Breadth first search implementation .
Depth first search implementation .
Hash tables introduction .
Hashing implementation .
Algorithms introduction and algorithmic analysis .
Finding space and time complexity .
Linear Search .
Linear search implementation .
Complexity analysis of Linear Search .
Binary Search .
Bnary search implementation .
Complexity analysis of Binary Search .
Insertion sort .
Insertion sort implementation .
Complexity analysis of Insertion sort .
Selection sort .
Selection sort implementation .
Complexity analysis of Selection sort .
Quick sort .
Quick sort implementation .
Complexity analysis of Quick sort .
Introduction to Divide and Conquor approach .
Merge sort .
merge sort implementation .
Introduction to Greedy's approach .
Prim's minimal Spanning Tree algorithm .
Prim's minimal Spanning Tree algorithm implementation .
Introduction to Dynamic Programming .
Tower of Hanoi .
Tower of Hanoi implementation .
Summary .
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