Explore how to leverage AngularJS and PhoneGap to create cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android in this informative conference talk from NG-Conf 2014. Learn about the setup process for a PhoneGap project using AngularJS, including the use of npm, bower, grunt, and cordova. Discover the ideal directory structure for an AngularJS application and how to compile for iOS with Xcode and Android with Eclipse ADT. Gain insights into Adobe PhoneGap Build and its usage, along with an overview of PhoneGap APIs for sensors and data. Delve into topics such as local storage implementation, Angular routing within PhoneGap, and essential best practices. The speaker also covers various Angular modules and frameworks designed for mobile development, including NGTouch, Angular Mobile Navigation, Angular Gestures, and Ionic Framework. Conclude with valuable tips, tricks, and optimizations, followed by a practical demonstration to reinforce the concepts presented.
Daniels background
Pros of Angular
Cons of Angular
Background of PhoneGap
How many people use PhoneGap
PhoneGap in 15 seconds
PhoneGap gotchas
PhoneGap directives
NGTouch module
Angular Mobile Navigation
Angular Gestures
jQuery Mobile
Native functionality
Angular Carousel
Angular Snap
Ionic Framework
Tips Tricks
Taught by