The process of speciation
Behavioral isolation accumulates faster than other types of reproductive isolation
speciose group
introgression seems to be common
Different traits accumulate at different rates
Hybrid embryonic phenotypes
Duplication mapping approach to detect genes involved in hybrid inviability
giant early Drosophila development
giant mutants show abdominal defects
Drosophila hybrids
Ablation phenotype is not present in mel/tei hybrids
giant chimeras and hybrid inviability
gt chimeras in a gt /san hybrid background
Finding autosomal modifiers of HI in gtmel in mel/san
GWAS of the penetrance of hybrid inviability in gtimel in melsan A. Females.
A genetic test of the involvement of tll in HI
Hybrid inviability reveals cryptic evolution at the molecular level.
On the evolution of postzygotic isolation during divergence
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