Secure Communication
RSA encryption Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman - Choose two prime numbers and multiply
How hard is factoring?
Thought experiment: Schrodinger's Cat
1 hour later, the cat is 50% dead
50% alive, 50% dead
Introducing the quantum bit (qubit)
A Qubit is in a complex state, with infinite possibilities
Building a Qubit
Aside on cryptography • Alice and Bob want to communicate
Polarizing Light
Represent Bits as Polarized Light
Measuring Photons
Quantum Key Distribution
What about eavesdropping?
Key Validation
Classical computers can be built from NAND gates only
Quantum Computers can be built from CNOT gates and single-qubit operators
Experimental demonstration of 2 qubits
Factoring N=15: Construct a function
Factoring N=15: Find the period
Factoring N=15: Apply QFT
Factor 15: Find the factors
How fast is Shor's algorithm?