CT Scan Brain: Normal vs. Ischemic Stroke Images - Non-Contrast Hyperacute, Acute, and Chronic Infarction
Dr. Sam's Imaging Library via YouTube
Explore CT scan brain images comparing normal and ischemic stroke conditions in this comprehensive 14-minute video. Delve into non-contrast hyperacute, acute, and chronic infarction cases. Learn to identify key features of ischemic stroke at various stages, including the hyperdense MCA sign, loss of gray-white matter differentiation, gyral effacement, cytotoxic cerebral edema, mass effect, midline shift, CT fogging effect, gliosis, and encephalomalacia. Gain valuable insights into the progression of ischemic stroke from immediate onset through chronic stages, enhancing your ability to interpret CT brain scans accurately.
Intro -
Ischemic Stroke- Immediate Hyperdense MCA Sign -
Hyperacute -
Acute -
Subacute -
Chronic -
Taught by
Dr. Sam's Imaging Library