Explore a thought-provoking discussion on the relevance of school mathematics in computational careers in this 45-minute video from Wolfram's Computational Conversations series. Join Jon and Conrad as they reflect on their educational experiences, examining which mathematical skills have proven useful in their professional lives and which have not. Gain insights into the thinking styles fostered by mathematics education, the role of tools like Mathematica, and the concept of 11 dimensions of outcomes in learning. Delve into topics such as proofs, A-Level Maths, Venn Diagrams, and the application of school and university mathematics in real-world scenarios. The conversation also touches on mathematics for biologists, data analysis, and the challenges of working with precleaned data. As a bonus, hear from Conrad's daughter Sophia, who offers a modern perspective on mathematics education.
The thinking style
The 11 dimensions of outcomes
Level Maths
Venn Diagrams
Do we use the maths we learnt in school
Do we use the maths we learnt in university
Maths for biologists
Data analysis
Precleaned data
Taught by