Explore a comprehensive lecture on artificial intelligence fundamentals, focusing on Assignment 1 of the COMP3200 course. Dive into the Grid World environment, understanding states, actions, and legal moves. Learn about essential data structures like the Node class and algorithms such as Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS). Follow along with detailed code demonstrations, covering HTML, JavaScript, and GUI implementations. Gain insights into key functions like startSearch(), isLegalAction(), and searchIteration(). Understand the importance of open and closed sets, class variables, and constructing paths from parent pointers. Conclude with a breakdown of the marking scheme, providing a comprehensive overview of the assignment requirements and expectations.
- Introduction
- A1 Slides
- Grid World Environment
- States and Actions
- Legal Actions
- Node Class
- BFS & DFS Pseudocode
- Demo and Instructions
- Code Structure and Files
- HTML File
- Grid.js
- GUI Files
- Search_Student.js
- Config
- DFS Demo and Notes
- Class Variables
- startSearch function
- isLegalAction function
- searchIteration function
- getOpen function
- getClosed function
- Node Class
- Path from Parent Pointers
- Marking Scheme
Taught by
Dave Churchill