Explore the famous Monty Hall Problem through an interactive JavaScript and p5.js coding challenge. Learn how to double your chances of winning by switching doors, and gain a deeper understanding of probability theory. Dive into the code implementation, starting with the basics of centering a DIV and handling callback events. Refactor the code into functions, add statistics tracking, and experience the game firsthand. Discover the connection to Bayes Theorem and enhance your programming skills while unraveling this classic probability puzzle. Access provided p5.js Web Editor sketches, GitHub repository, and demo to further experiment with the concept.
What is the Monty Hall Problem?.
Solution for Monty Hall Problem!.
Starting the Code.
Centering a DIV.
Callback Events.
Refactoring into Functions.
Adding Stats.
Playing the game!.
Bayes Theorem.
Taught by
The Coding Train