Explore a thought-provoking plenary session featuring critically acclaimed journalist Jeff Chang and executive director Judith Browne Dianis as they delve into narrative change, storytelling, and movement building. Gain insights on cultural strategy and collective mutuality in the fight for equity and justice. Discover the intersection of advocacy and narrative change, with a focus on organizing for equitable education and employment outcomes for vulnerable youth, families, and communities. Join young leaders Kim Pham and Ryan Dalton as they reflect on inspiring lessons for action and advocacy. Learn about culture wars, the impact of demographic shifts, the importance of social movements, and strategies for youth organizing. Gain valuable advice on patience and moving conversations forward in an era of division.
Powerful kernels of wisdom
Thank you
We Gon Be Alright
Culture Wars
The Looming specter of 2042
Culture moves before politics
Politics feels broken
Democracy is not free
Social movements
The next revolution
This is your time
Introducing the panelists
What resonated with the panelists
How to move the conversation forward
The next level
A blueprint for youth organizing
Advice to our network
Taught by
The Aspen Institute