Discover a comprehensive 31-minute video tutorial on client onboarding and off-boarding processes for freelancers and web designers. Learn how to effectively manage projects using Asana, create professional onboarding emails and welcome PDFs, handle contracts, and conduct kick-off calls. Explore valuable off-boarding tips, including final calls, invoicing, asset delivery, and gathering testimonials. Gain insights on offering discounts for future collaborations, managing referrals, and maintaining client relationships through follow-up check-ins. Access recommended tools like the Flux Notion Template and Asana to streamline your workflow. Enhance your web design business, increase your rates, and attract better clients with this detailed walkthrough of the entire client management process.
Onboarding tools overview project management, contracts, communication
Project Management with Asana
Onboarding email
Welcome pdf
Onboarding clients on Asana
Kick-off call
Off-boarding tips
Final off-boarding call
Final invoice
Delivering assets and off-boarding presentation
Testimonial and feedback form
Discount for future collaborations and referrals
Check-in with clients later on
Taught by
Flux Academy