Attend the Conference on Computer-Aided Verification's 2023 CAV Award ceremony honoring Akash Lal, Madan Musuvathi, Shaz Qadeer, Jakob Rehof, and Thomas Reps for their groundbreaking work on context-bounded analysis and its application to systematic testing of concurrent programs. This 1 hour and 45 minute conference talk showcases the significant contributions of these researchers in advancing the field of computer-aided verification, particularly in addressing the challenges of analyzing and testing concurrent software systems. Gain insights into the innovative techniques they developed for bounded analysis of concurrent programs, which have had a lasting impact on software verification and testing methodologies.
Context-Bounded Analysis for Systematic Testing of Concurrent Programs - CAV Award 2023
Conference on Computer-Aided Verification via YouTube
CAV Award 2023: Akash Lal, Madan Musuvathi, Shaz Qadeer, Jakob Rehof, Thomas Reps
Taught by
Conference on Computer-Aided Verification