Explore the often overlooked <system_error> feature introduced in C++11 through this comprehensive conference talk. Delve into the std::error_code and std::error_condition classes, their origins in boost::asio, and their evolution for inclusion in the C++11 Standard. Learn about the consistent and extensible ways these classes provide for exposing platform-specific error codes and platform-independent error conditions. Discover the open-ended design that allows for future extensibility in message reporting and potential internationalization of logs and user-facing events. Gain insights into why these features are still not well understood and their impact on system-wide design decisions, algorithm composition, and API consistency. Examine recommendations for API design and explore possible extension mechanisms for module-specific concerns, instance-specific messages, and internationalization. Benefit from the speaker's 25+ years of experience in large-scale and distributed systems in performance-sensitive environments.
C++Now 2017: Charles Bay "C++11’s Quiet Little Gem: <system_error>"
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