- Introduction
- What is Clojure?
- FizzBuzz example
- Too many parenthesis?
- Clojure resources in OrgPad
- Basic data types
- Immutable data structures
- Example data in OrgPad
- Operators and branches
- State and atoms
- Transformations
- Threading macros
- Hosted language and interop
- Data Oriented Programming
- Processing book data
- Displaying books by the server
- Rendering as HTML using Hiccup
- React components as data
- Data vs objects
- Rich Hickey's rant on objects
- How immutable data structures work
- Functional programming
- Overview of Reagent and Re-frame
- Interactive coding of tic-tac-toe
- Format of the state
- Basic subscriptions and views
- Searching for a bug
- Rendering and CSS struggle
- Adding events
- Checking win conditions
- Simplifying win check
- Summary
Taught by