Explore cloud integration applications using Knative and Apache Camel in this 37-minute conference talk from the Linux Foundation. Learn how Apache Camel's powerful Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) DSL integrates with various software middlewares and how the Camel-K project leverages Knative's serverless framework to bring Apache Camel into the Cloud Native world. Discover how developers can integrate Knative applications using minimal DSL code to connect services. Gain insights into Apache Camel, the Camel-K project, and their integration with Cloud Native stacks. Follow an end-to-end demonstration of service integration using Camel and Knative, based on a smart park project. Topics covered include Smart Park use cases, integration work, Enterprise Integration Patterns, Camel DSL and routes, running Camel applications, transitioning from SOA to Cloud Native, Kubernetes Operators, Operator SDK, and Knative Services with Camel-K and Knative Events.
Speaker Introduction
Smart Park User Case
Integration work
Why Apache Camel
ROMA Integration Platform
Enterprise Integration Pattern
Why Camel DSL
Camel Routes
How to run Camel Application
SOA to Cloud Native
K8s Operator
Operator SDK
Knative Service With Camel-K
Knative Event
Taught by
Linux Foundation