Explore the latest updates from the Operator-lifecycle-Manager project in this 33-minute conference talk presented by Joe Lanford and Anik Bhattacharjee from Red Hat at a CNCF event. Dive into the architectural updates for building and maintaining Catalogs of Operators, understanding the goals and motivations behind these changes. Learn about the lessons gained from using previous tools in production environments and gain insights into the future direction of OLM. Discover how this suite of production-ready operators and tools simplifies the installation and upgrading process for operators on Kubernetes clusters. For those interested in joining the OLM community, find out about weekly meetings and how to get involved in this evolving project.
Building Catalogs of Operators for OLM the Declarative Way
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Building Catalogs of Operators for OLM the Declarative Way - Joe Lanford & Anik Bhattacharjee
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]