8-bit computer update.
Astable 555 timer - 8-bit computer clock - part 1.
Monostable 555 timer - 8-bit computer clock - part 2.
Bistable 555 - 8-bit computer clock - part 3.
Clock logic - 8-bit computer clock - part 4.
SR latch.
D latch.
D flip-flop.
Bus architecture and how register transfers work - 8 bit register - Part 1.
Tri-state logic: Connecting multiple outputs together - 8 bit register - Part 2.
Designing and building a 1-bit register - 8 bit register - Part 3.
Building an 8-bit register - 8-bit register - Part 4.
Testing our computer's registers - 8-bit register - Part 5.
Twos complement: Negative numbers in binary.
ALU Design.
Building the ALU.
Troubleshooting the ALU.
Testing the computer's ALU.
8-bit computer RAM intro.
RAM module build - part 1.
RAM module build - part 2.
RAM module build - part 3.
RAM module testing and troubleshooting.
JK flip-flop.
JK flip-flop racing.
Master-slave JK flip-flop.
Binary counter.
Program counter design.
Program counter build.
Designing a 7-segment hex decoder.
Using an EEPROM to replace combinational logic.
Build an Arduino EEPROM programmer.
Build an 8-bit decimal display for our 8-bit computer.
8-bit computer build: Connecting the bus.
8-bit CPU control signal overview.
8-bit CPU control logic: Part 1.
8-bit CPU control logic: Part 2.
8-bit CPU control logic: Part 3.
8-bit CPU reset circuit and power supply tips.
Reprogramming CPU microcode with an Arduino.
Adding more machine language instructions to the CPU.
Making a computer Turing complete.
CPU flags register.
Conditional jump instructions.
Taught by
Ben Eater