Build a Full Stack Next.js App with Google Calendar - TypeScript, Drizzle, ShadCN, Tailwind
Web Dev Simplified via YouTube
Learn to build a full-stack Next.js application that replicates Calendly's functionality, complete with Google Calendar integration. This comprehensive 3-hour and 20-minute video tutorial guides you through creating a scheduling application using Next.js, TypeScript, Drizzle ORM, Neon database, Clerk for authentication, and ShadCN UI components. Follow along as you set up the development environment, implement user authentication, design the database schema, create event management features, build a scheduling system, and integrate with Google Calendar. Gain hands-on experience with modern web development technologies and best practices while constructing a practical, real-world application.
- Demo
- Next.js/Shadcn Setup
- Clerk Auth Setup
- Database Setup
- Events Page
- Event Form
- Event Grid
- Event Edit Forms
- Event Delete Button
- Schedule Form
- Booking Page
- Google Calendar Integration
- Booking Form
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Web Dev Simplified