Breast Ultrasound Reporting - BIRADS Pathologies and USG Scan Report Writing for Breast Diseases
Dr. Sam's Imaging Library via YouTube
Intro -
Normal Breast -
Simple Cyst -
Complicated Cyst -
Fibroadenoma -
Lipoma -
Intramammary Lymph Node -
Sebaceous Cyst -
Milk Of Calcium Cyst -
Eggshell Calcifications -
Clustered Microcysts -
Fat Necrosis -
Intraductal Papilloma -
Intracystic Papillary Carcinoma -
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ -
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma -
Mastitis -
Duct Ectasia -
Infected/Inflamed Cyst -
Normal Breast Implant -
Breast Implant Rupture -
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Dr. Sam's Imaging Library