Explore the global impact of COVID-19 in this thought-provoking discussion featuring Laurie Garrett, author of "The Coming Plague," and David Leonhardt, writer for The New York Times, moderated by Susan Glasser of The New Yorker. Delve into current pandemic status, eradication efforts, and far-reaching consequences. Examine political predictions, economic projections, and structural shifts. Investigate topics such as animal slaughter, live animal markets, and potential travel restrictions. Gain insights into the pandemic's duration, failures in thinking, and the IMF's economic outlook. Discover how this unprecedented crisis may reshape our world and influence long-term political change.
Where are we now
Knockon effects
Political prediction business
How long will the pandemic last
Failure of thinking
Structural shifts
IMF projections
Michael Basica
Animal Slaughter
Live Animal Markets
Political Change
Travel Restrictions
Taught by
The Aspen Institute