Learn how to add affordable and easy auto mesh bed levelling to your 3D printer using the Antclabs BLtouch, a highly accurate z level probe. Discover the installation process for Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus, Cocoon Create Touch, and Monoprice Makerselect printers, including detailed instructions, mounting parts, and preconfigured firmware. Explore tips for optimal performance, such as proper z height setting and connector securing. Understand two methods for implementing bed levelling in your starting g-code and find links to purchase authentic BLtouch components. Gain insights on calibration, firmware updates, and support options to enhance your 3D printing experience.
teaching tech Michael Laws
Aiming for 8.0 to 8.5 mm
This step was finicky and difficult due to flex.
Pry up the retainer to remove triple dupont connector from yellow, red, brown wires.
Insert yellow into single connector, red and brown into a double. These come in BLtouch packet.
Double check Z-probe connection: pin 1 empty white pin 2 and black pin3.
Y direction: Pretty flat
X direction: Not so good..
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Teaching Tech