Explore the vulnerabilities and security flaws in Samsung Smart TVs in this Black Hat USA 2013 conference talk. Delve into the Samsung SmartTV design, attack surfaces, and overall insecurity of the platform. Learn about the application stack, TV operating system, and significant flaws within the Samsung SmartTV application architecture, APIs, and current applications. Discover how malicious developers or remotely hijacked applications can take complete control of the TV, steal stored accounts, and install userland rootkits. Understand the potential for attackers to exploit front-facing cameras and built-in microphones for surveillance, as well as access local networks for further exploitation. Examine methods to bypass existing security protections and consider worst-case scenarios, including the possibility of a TV worm. Gain insights into Samsung's security fixes and learn about weaknesses to avoid in future "Smart" platforms. Watch video demonstrations of exploits and userland rootkits to enhance your understanding of these critical security issues.
Black Hat USA 2013 - The Outer Limits: Hacking the Samsung Smart TV
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Black Hat