Explore a thought-provoking conference talk delivered by Peiter Zatko, also known as Mudge, at Black Hat USA 2011. Delve into the unique perspective of a renowned hacker who transitioned to a senior position in the U.S. Department of Defense. Discover how Zatko's background in vulnerability discovery and disclosure has influenced his work as a Program Manager at DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency). Learn about his efforts to design and fund cyber research programs for the U.S. Government, while simultaneously building bridges between the cybersecurity research community and government entities. Gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of aligning interests between these two worlds, and understand how this collaboration can lead to more effective resource sharing and clearer communication of divergent beliefs and goals.
Black Hat USA 2011 - How a Hacker Has Helped Influence the Government - and Vice Versa
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Black Hat