Solving Polynomial Equations in Factored Form - Section 2.4
Mr. Robinson's Virtual Math Classroom via YouTube
Learn to solve polynomial equations in factored form through a comprehensive video lecture and problem-solving session. Master mathematical concepts through a structured approach that begins with foundational theory and progresses through 48 practice problems of increasing complexity. Follow along with detailed explanations and step-by-step solutions, with convenient timestamps marking each section for easy navigation. Access supplementary materials including a downloadable textbook section to enhance understanding. Progress from basic concepts through increasingly challenging applications, with dedicated time spent on each problem set to ensure thorough comprehension of polynomial equation solving techniques.
Lecture overview
Problem #1-2
Problem #3-8
Problem #9-20
Problem #21-24
Problem #25-30
Problem #31-36
Problem #37-38
Problem #39-41
Problem #42
Problem #43
Problem #44
Problem #45
Problem #46
Problem #47
Problem #48
Taught by
Mr. Robinson's Virtual Math Classroom