Explore advanced testing techniques for Spring Security in this 34-minute screencast. Learn how to configure tests to mock Spring Security when using OpenID Connect, JWT authentication, and OAuth 2.0 authorization with opaque tokens. Follow along as the instructor demonstrates testing a WebFlux Gateway with mockOidcLogin(), an MVC Resource Server with JWT mocking and Testcontainers, and a WebFlux Resource Server with mockOpaqueToken(). Gain insights into mocking features in Spring Security Test, verifying authorization and audience validation, and building more robust tests. Access accompanying resources, including a blog post, GitHub repository, and demo script for further learning.
- Hello Spring fans!
- Install prerequisites
- Test a WebFlux Gateway with mockOidcLogin
- Test an MVC Resource Server with jwt Mocking and Testcontainers
- Test a WebFlux Resource Server with mockOpaqueToken
- On Mocking Features in Spring Security Test
- Verify Authorization and Audience Validation
- Build better tests with Spring Security!
- Please follow us and subscribe to our YouTube channel
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