Watch the third episode in a video interview series featuring Turing Laureate Silvio Micali, whose groundbreaking research on computing theory was conducted at Berkeley in the 1980s. Explore Micali's journey into computer science, his decision to choose Berkeley, and the unique atmosphere of the university during that era. Delve into key concepts such as pseudorandomness, multiparty computation, federated learning, and blockchain technology. Gain insights into the relationship between theory and practice in computer science, and learn about Micali's experiences with his first PhD student. Hosted by Shafi Goldwasser, this 38-minute interview offers a fascinating glimpse into the life and work of an influential figure in the field of theoretical computer science.
Returning to Berkeley
What made you go into computer science
Why did you choose Berkeley
The atmosphere at Berkeley
Multiparty computation
Federated learning
Datadriven models
Pseudorandom selection
Theory and practice
First PhD student
Taught by
Simons Institute