Explore the self-published comic series "Atomics" by Mike Allred in this insightful video from Cartoonist Kayfabe. Delve into Allred's creative journey, examining how this work fits chronologically between his iconic Madman series and later mainstream projects like X-Statix, Silver Surfer, and iZombie. Gain valuable insights into the evolution of Allred's distinctive art style, storytelling techniques, and the significance of self-publishing in his career. Discover the unique elements that make "Atomics" a pivotal work in Allred's oeuvre and its influence on his subsequent projects. Learn about the challenges and rewards of self-publishing in the comics industry, and how this experience shaped Allred's approach to his craft.
Before X-Statix, Silver Surfer, iZombie, but After Madman - Mike Allred Self-Published Atomics
Cartoonist Kayfabe via YouTube
Before X-Statix, Silver Surfer, iZombie, but after Madman — Mike Allred Self-Published Atomics!
Taught by
Cartoonist Kayfabe